
It Takes a Village

And what a wonderful village we have here in Kinross. Anything worthwhile needs many hands and we encourage all members of our community to come join us and help to make this venture a rewarding experience for all ages. If you can’t join us for one of our events, then perhaps you can contribute by donating your bottles & cans for our Containers for Change program. Maybe your contribution can be to purchase a raffle ticket or grow some seedlings for us that can then be either used to raise funds at one of our upcoming events or to be planted for future crops within the garden. Maybe you can help by spreading the word that the Community Garden is welcoming all our neighbours to gather and enjoy the community spirit. Here are some ideas:

  • Collect bottles & cans for our Containers for Change account – these can be dropped off at one of our monthly gatherings or send us an email so we can organise pick up
  • Help out with the watering team (part of a roster)
  • Donate suitable prizes for raffles
  • Grow some seedlings or propagate some plants that can be used to raise funds
  • Spread the word. 

Regular Monthly Gardening Events

The fourth Saturday of each month from 3 - 4:30pm will be our regular gardening time for the rest of the year.  Mark them in your calendars!

25 November

23 December

Kinross Community Garden community would love to welcome you along to enjoy the garden with us.  It doesn't matter whether you want to get hands dirty, or prefer to sit and enjoy the garden vibes while enjoying a cuppa and chat.  BYO afternoon tea.  We will share any produce that is harvested and if you have surplus produce in your own garden you can bring that along to share as well.  Newcomers are always welcome.

If you have any spare bottles or cans that you can bring along that would be great.  Kinross Community Gardens has a Containers for Change account and uses the funds raised to pay for things like seedlings, insurance and our website.

Better still, please note our containers for change registration number (C10506977) on your bag and take your bottles/cans direct to any of the collection centres.

Finding us

We'll meet on the side of Macnaughton Clubroom, Kinross where the garden beds are (closest to Balliol Elbow).

Where to park

You can park at the MacNaughton Clubroom carpark (enter via Macnaughton Crescent) or in the Kinross Central Shopping Centre Carpark. If you park at the shopping centre, park on the northern side (near Kinross Skate Park) so that it is a short distance along a footpath to the garden.


Our three large garden beds are raised to 800mm and the three smaller ones to 400mm. Around the beds is lawn. The hall will be open with toilets available. 

Other facilities
Hot water for tea or coffee is available in the hall.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Gathering for November

Saturday 25th November 2023

3:00 - 4:30pm

Past Events

Monthly Gathering for October 2023

Incorporating WA Bike Month BBQ

Monthly Gathering for September 2023

Monthly Gathering for August 2023

Monthly Gathering for July 2023

In July we focussed on seed raising. That way we'll have seedlings ready to plant out in spring. If you have clear drink bottles (1 or 2 litre size) bring them along to make your very own mini greenhouse.

Harvesting thyme using scissors. Coriander growing in the background

Monthly Gathering for May 2023

On this occasion our activities included planting potatoes, learning about compost and stringing up peas.

Hands pulling out a large dandelion from a raised garden bed.  In the foreground is a flowering sweet alyssum plant with white flowers

Kinross Primary School Christmas Carols

On 13 December, Kinross Community Garden held its first ever event selling raffle tickets at the schools' Christmas Carol evening.  We had a fantastic evening.  Prizes were very generously donated by local businesses such as The Local Porter, Dough Boys Pizza, Fox Mortgages, Richgro and Le Studio Organic!

Paint and Sip

Held at Joondalup Resort on 29th April, Fusion Cre8tive ran a Paint and Sip evening for us.  We sipped our wine and painted some amazing native flora under Karin's expert guidance.  The evening included a door prize raffle; each participant went home with a work of art and a thank you gift from the community garden committee.  We all enjoyed this so much, we will run it again once the weather warms up.

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